时间:2018/5/25 13:46:40
来源:上海澳大利亚国际学校 选稿:东方网教育频道 陈乐 刘依思
On the morning of November 12, 2017 the weather was sunny. After I had finished my ESL lessons I took part in an activity with the Fang Yang Humanities Forum.
“You won’t know the view if you don’t enter the garden.” Although I have read a lot off poems about parks, entering this Chinese garden I still felt a bit strange as I followed along with the group led by teacher Fan. During the visit to the I saw that the garden contains a unique Chinese aesthetic culture. Every aspect of the garden’s design from the interaction between poetry and calligraphy to the painting, drama and music to factors like the landscape pattern illustrating the concept of man’s unity with nature and the smallest details on plaques or pavilions. All of these communicated the unique charm of the Chinese garden to me.
With the group we toured the Chenghuang Temple in Qiuxiapu Park which is located in the Jiading District of Shanghai. Inside the temple we explored the story of twenty-eight stars first and then the story of the sixty star gods before trying to finding our own star gods.
活动接近尾声的时候,我竟意外地接到一个任务,WACE陆贤校长让我去接待一位远道而来的贵宾--澳大利亚西澳洲政府教育署课程委员会主任Mrs. Gail Taylor。陆校长对我充分的信任,让我自己制定行程线路,接到任务的我,既兴奋又紧张,不知该如何安排,我一会儿查查路线,一会儿查查英文的解说,连中文向导也没做过的我,让我全程做英文导游,可真是一次全新的挑战,还在我忐忑不安中,妈妈的车已把我带到了Gail下榻的酒店,没时间犹豫了,我拨通了她房间的电话。
After taking part in the activity in the garden in the morning I was surprised to receive a task from the Principal of WACE, Lu Xian. Principal Lu asked me to be a guide for a distinguished Australian visitor to China. The guest was Ms.Gail Taylor who is the director of the curriculum committee of the Western Australia Department of Education.
I didn’t know how to prepare for my task of being a tour guide. After arriving at Gail’s hotel room I felt nervous but I had no time to hesitate and promptly dialed her room.
初见Mrs. Taylor,她的亲切让我紧张的心情放松了下来,她就像是一位长辈,和她简短交流后,我了解到她非常喜欢中国的文化,我和妈妈决定先带她去参观上海城隍庙和豫园,我可以为她讲解城隍庙道家的历史文化,和豫园的中国园林之美。这二个地方正好和我早上的行程相似,而且几天前为了嘉定秋霞圃的行走我已查阅了相关网站和书籍资料,带着问题听了樊老师的解读后,我现在有信心把这个行程讲解好。但目前唯一的难点就是有一些专有名词的不知怎么更好的翻译成英语。
When first meeting Mrs Taylor, her kindness made me feel relaxed. She was just like an elder member of my own family. She even asked me to call her Gail After chatting with Gail briefly my mother and I decided to take her to visit Shanghai Chenghuang Temple and Yu Garden . Although I had never visited this temple myself and I had searched for information about it online a few days earlier. I felt I had the confidence to make this trip go smoothly now. The only difficulty I faced was that some of the proper nouns were difficult to translate into English.
Leaving the hotel and then driving across the Nanpu Bridge, I couldn’t wait to tell Gail the history of the seven bridges over the Huangpu River. I tried my best to explain this important history to Gail. Even though I couldn’t communicate everything I wanted to say fluently, Mrs Taylor was able to understand me and was very encouraging.
The Chenghuang Temple is a Taoist temple located in Huangpu District. I told Gail that Taoism is native Chinese religion that originated from the writing of Laozi during the Spring and Autumn period. Taoism as a religous tradition really began later during the Han Dynasty. The Chenghuang Temple is an important site for worship Taoist in Shanghai. In the Temple we witnessed a Taoist ceremony where monks chanted a Buddhist sutta. This chanting is an important ritual that takes place in Taoist temples to help people purify their souls. Gail found this ceremony very interesting and we stood and watched for 30 minutes until the ceremony was finished.
After that we crossed the hall and I took her to visit the images of the Heavenly Generals and told her about Tai Sui who was one of the most important Taoist deities. While looking at images of the Taoist Deities I explained to Gail that the Taoist values are honesty, uprightness and respect for people. Gail listened to my explanation with interest and praised me for my knowledge about this subject.
Leaving the City God Temple we realized there was not enough time to visit Yu Garden. Located just a short distance from the temple, I had prepared to explain the beauty of the garden to her. Instead we strolled through the commercial streets in the temple neighborhood to taste delicious local snacks while observing the artisans making traditional crafts. Following this we travelled to Hongkou District to stroll along Duolun Road Culture Street and view some interesting examples of early twentieth century architecture. Along Duolun Road we chatted about writer Lu Xun who used to live in the area. In this neighborhood near Luxun Park we were able to view the former Japanese Navy Headquarters in Shanghai. At this point it was getting late so we ended the tour.
To conclude the tour my mother and I took Gail to try some delicious local Shanghai cuisine while enjoying the amazing night view of the Huangpu River. During dinner we talked about my family and my school life. It was a very comfortable conversation and a very enjoyable dinner.
Along the way, I had a chance to practice my spoken English as well as build my self-confidence. However, I still felt that I had work to do to improve even more. I have read many books about the city of Shanghai and I know the city is not just cosmopolitan; it’s the starting point of China’s modernization and the cutting edge of it today. Shanghai has its own unique culture which should be explored including the concessions, the open port and the old villas. I feel I have done a good job as a cultural ambassador for Australian International High School. That you to Principal Lu for trusting me to and giving me this opportunity. I feel I will do better if I have another opportunity to be a cultural ambassador in the future.
东方网教育频道 陈乐