时间:2018/6/1 18:33:43
来源:上海圣地雅歌幼儿园 选稿:东方网教育频道 陈乐 陈士琪
The art festival last Sunday was a perfect finale.Let's enjoy the beautiful pictures and take a look back at the wonderful moments of the Children.
The babies’s creations, the skillful hands of teachers, make the school full of artistic atmosphere.Mom and Dad, can you feel it?
小手来敲章 Stamp With Little Hands
Here we go! Choose a color you like and seal it with your palm! Now you all are the sapling full of art~We believe you all will certainly thrive!
水果拼拼乐 Fruit Puzzle
Create with colorful fruit and 3D pictures are so lovely!THE FRUIT IS DELICIOUS! And we eat it while we're making it.
创意T恤画 T-shirt Design
Picking up the pen,drawing carefully.The children draw themselves a personal t-shirt,they seem to be masters of fashion design!
人体彩绘秀 Body Art
Look!How beautiful we are!
国学初体验 Chinese Culture Experience
Feel the richness and depth of Chinese Culture!
重建之乐 Joy Of Recomposition
Only half of the picture?Don't worry, with mom and Dad, let’s use our imagination,and share the joy of recomposition!
小小表演家 Petite Perfomers
Stretching out our arms and kicking our legs, at last,in some beautiful music, we have fun together! The festival has come to an end!
东方网教育频道 陈乐