时间:2018/1/5 18:26:32
来源:东方网教育频道 作者:夏荔 楼丽莎 选稿:陈乐
To arouse aninterest in studying English, to enrich the vocabulary of students, Shanghai Australia International High School held the finals of the UTS vocabulary contest in 2017, on the 16th of October. This vocabulary contest lasted 8 weeks, starting on the 22nd of September. The majority of the vocabulary was from the IELTS examination.Both year 9 and year 10 participated in this contest.
After over comingmany obstacles, all of the players were chosen due to their excellence. The distinguished headmaster, Mrs. Maggie, and the representative of the UTS, Mrs. Mary,also participated in the event.
The UTS vocabulary contest has its own awards settings: We give the certificate of merit to the best students in year 9, and we also prepare 2000 yuan for the best class. For year 10, the first prize for personal performance is 1000 RMB,and the second and third prizes for personal performance are also 500 yuan each.In addition, the best class in year 10 has an opportunity to have a delicious dinner and have fun in the cinema with their classmates!
Before the game,the players were so confident after all of their preparations. The atmosphere was tense and everyone was paying attention to the game. Thecrowd got a chance to observe two hours of exciting UTS action while the contestants were being examined by the strict examiners Lily, Paige, and Michael.
Maggie from10-1, Daphne from 10-1, and Alice from 10-1, won the first, second, and third prizes respectively. Class 10-2 won the best class awards. Lily from 9-1, Mikefrom 9-2, and Sylvia from 9-2, won the first, second, and third prizes for year9. Class 9-1 won the best class award.
This game cultivated a passion for learning English and earned support from UTS.
We need to congratulate all of the participants! Let’s thank UTS again for their support,and we also need to give some love to our English teachers!
UTS vocabularycontest, we’ll see you again next year!
赛前,选手们在充分准备之后自信满满,为在UTS单词大赛的舞台上一展风采跃跃欲试,摩拳擦掌。比赛开始后,选手们沉着冷静,淡定从容地全身心投入到比赛之中。现场气氛紧张而有序,台上选手们全力以赴的拼劲也感染了台下观看比赛的同学们。将近两个小时的激烈比赛,经过此次单词大赛的评审团队,Lily、paige、Michael严谨又高要求的慎重考核,10-1 Maggie陈铭,10-1 Daphne戴倩晨,10-1 Alice施珺卿,分别获得了十年级组个人奖前三名。10-2班获得十年级班级奖。9-1 Lily董璐嘉,9-2 Mike 方志华,9-2 Sylvia简裕芸,分别获得了九年级组决赛的前三名。9-1 班获得了九年级班级奖。最后,比赛在Marry女士和陆校长的赠言中圆满落幕。
东方网教育频道 陈乐